“I have been regularly using online dating websites for the past five years and guess what, I am still single. How is it possible? you may ask. I am actually not sure myself. But I do know one thing, online dating doesn’t work. At least for me. Dating sucks in general. I do get matches and chat with women regularly. I went on at least twenty-first dates, but it never went further than that. The women turned out to be completely different from what I have expected in terms of their personality, goals, values. People do lie a lot on the dating sites. I never wanted to believe that until I experienced that myself. It turned out to be very awkward and I even got into some arguments with those women. I was even catfished once by an old lady who was pretending to be a thirty-year-old history professor. It was scary. After all these years I’m still using online dating sites because I believe this is the only way for me to meet women. However, I am way more careful now. I decided to share my reasons why online dating sucks and may not be the right choice for you.”
Why Online Dating Sucks
1. The disappointment
“You may think you are really connecting with the woman you met online. She sounds smart, funny, kind and looks nice on her photos. After multiple phone conversations, you start to catch yourself thinking about her a lot. You think she might be your soulmate. Your friends know about your online dating crush and keep encouraging you to ask her out. Then you do. This is where things go downhill. It could be her personality, sense of humor, bad habits or many other possible reasons why you don’t feel attracted to her in real life. Sometimes, the chemistry is just not there and it is not your fault.With online dating, you neverknow if you will hit it off with your match or not. It is easy to set high expectations and then get disappointed later.”
2. People can be mean![People can be mean]()
“It is very easy to hide behind a computer screen and be a jerk. I have come across so many women who were completely rude to me and have said a bunch of hurtful things about my appearance and profile information. I’m sure they would not have acted the same way if we have interacted in person. At times, messages like such have ruined my entire day. I believe I became more insecure after I joined dating sites. Online dating also makes it way easier for people to reject you. They don’t have to face you and it is definitely not as awkward as rejecting someone in person. But remember, if they don’t know you personally, don’t take it personally.”
3. It is time-consuming
“Online dating takes up a lot of time, at least for me. I used to spend at least four to five hours a day scrolling through the site, sending messages and waiting for the response. I could be doing so many other things instead of waiting for a woman to reply to me. I wait, wait, wait and most of the time the woman either replies hours later or doesn’t reply at all. However, your time is gone, you lost the whole day. This is why I hate dating, you never know what the other person is thinking and what their intentions are.
4. The competition is fierce
“Online dating sucks for guys. I never truly thought about my competition until my female friend showed me her inbox on the dating site. She had hundreds of different men sending her messages. How am I supposed to stand out and get noticed? Women don’t have enough time to reply to them all and it is simply overwhelming. I’m lucky if one woman starts a conversation with me or replies back to my message. In online dating, you constantly have to compete with other men to have a conversation and get a date. You’ll never know how many other men she is talking with besides you. Even when you start dating, there is always a possibility she is dating multiple people at the same time. It’s beyond stressful and annoying.”
5. Online dating sucks even more due to fake accounts![Online dating sucks even more due to fake accounts]()
“People lie a lot on the internet and I have experienced that myself. They can lie about absolutely anything you can think of. You think you are chatting with a young dentist, but turns out it is an old man. You won’t even know or suspect anything until you meet them. Imagine how terrifying and awkward that would be! I have been catfished myself and let me tell you, it was horrible. Luckily, we met in a public place and I immediately took off when I found out that I had been catfished. You can also come across scam accounts on dating sites that will try to get your bank account information and rip you off. You can never feel safe on online dating sites.”
“This is why I believe online dating sucks. I have been through a lot for the past few years and will most likely take a break from online dating for a while. If use online dating sites, please stick with paid dating websites. There is less chance for you to come across scam accounts or be catfished. I wish you the best of luck and stay safe.”